Expert Legal Services
Harrison & Son is a dedicated legal firm in the UK, providing expert solutions tailored to our clients' needs. With years of experience, we guide clients through complex legal matters efficiently.
Harrison & Son is a dedicated legal firm in the UK, providing expert solutions tailored to our clients' needs. With years of experience, we guide clients through complex legal matters efficiently.
Our team of experts can help you draft a personalized last Will and testament that reflects your wishes and ensures the smooth transfer of your assets to your loved ones after your passing. We Will guide you through the process of choosing beneficiaries, assigning guardians for minors, and creating provisions for any specific assets or property you may have.
In addition to drafting Wills, we can also assist you in updating and modifying existing Wills to reflect any changes in your circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, birth of children, or acquisition of new assets. We will work closely with you to ensure that your Will remains up-to-date and legally sound.
Our firm also offers estate planning services to help you minimize taxes and maximize the value of your estate for future generations. We can provide advice on various estate planning strategies, such as Trusts, gifting, and charitable donations, to ensure that your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes
Power Of Attorney
As part of our Power Of Attorney Services, we can help you appoint a trusted individual to make financial or healthcare decisions on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated. We'll guide you through the process of creating a durable Power Of Attorney that grants your chosen agent the authority to manage your affairs and make decisions in your best interests.
Our team can also assist you in revoking or updating existing Power Of Attorney documents to ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected and that your designated agent has the necessary legal authority to act on your behalf. Well, ensure that all legal requirements are met to prevent any disputes or challenges.
In addition to traditional Power Of Attorney services, we can provide guidance on advanced directives, living Wills, and other documents that can help you plan for medical emergencies and end-of-life care. We will work with you to create comprehensive plans that address your specific needs and preferences
Will Trusts
Our firm can help you establish various types of Will Trusts, to protect your assets and provide for your beneficiaries in a tax-efficient manner. We will explain the benefits and limitations of each type of Trust and help you choose the right option for your unique circumstances.
In addition to drafting Will Trusts, we can also provide ongoing Trust administration services to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your beneficiaries receive their intended benefits. We will work closely with your appointed trustees to ensure that all legal and financial requirements are met.
Our team can tailor your Will Trust to meet your individual needs and provide guidance on how they can help you achieve your long-term financial and estate planning goals.